This is part of an interview I did with a few of my library’s
patron who became regular users of computer due to taking classes. I asked them
numerous questions about their computer use, needs, and concerns.
Mr. B is an older gentleman in his 70’s. He used computers daily
in his work during the 80’s, but retired around 1990 and had not used a
computer since. Mrs. C is a retired educator (late 60’s) whose computer use was
limited during her working career. She used the computer with her children and
grand children’s assistance but hated being dependent on them. Mrs. J (late 60’s)
has always been a homemaker and never used a computer. The extent of using
items of technology was her cell phone her children bought her.
What was the reason you had not used computers before now?
Mr. B: I wanted to keep up with computers, and I bought one.
But, by the time I bought it, it was different from what I had been use to and
it was overwhelming. It just sat in the study and never got used (personal communication, March 29, 2012).
Mrs. C: I always thought they were too expensive and did see
how they would be helpful. So, I never thought about it. Then everything and
everyone started to be on the internet, and I hated to keep bothering my
children for help (personal communication, April 2, 2012).
Mrs. J: I was scared of them. They are expensive things, and
I could not imagine having something that I could easily mess up. I was also
scared that people would track me on the computer and :::laughs::: see in my
house. I thought they were dangerous (personal communication, April 3, 2012).
What is your view of computers now?
B: I really enjoy it. I’m still thinking about purchasing a new one, but for
now I’m happy to come into the library to use it. I think I might try out one
of those laptop you have (personal communication, March 29, 2012).
C: They have been so useful. I even started paying bills over the Internet. It
saves stamps! My children still have to help me some, and you know I’m in here
often to ask for help. I really am glad I got one (personal communication,
April 2, 2012).
J: I’m not scared of them anymore. I do pay for tech support so that if I get
stuck I can call them. I’m still cautious, but I have an e-mail account now and
have gotten better about spotting that spam (personal communication, April 3,
I asked several other questions and
will blog those later.
Aw. Mrs. J. I'm glad she's not scared of computers any more, but I wonder how much she's paying for tech support :(