Word-processing & letters 35%
E-mail & Communication 33%
Internet 32%
Information and research 19%
Leisure 11%
Learning 10%
Keeping up with the times 10%
Finance 10%
Work 6%
Other 20%
Willis (2006) gives several reasons older adults use the internet with communication being the number one reason. She says that 93% of older adults that use the internet also utilize e-mail. Another use is for information seeking. Many enjoy getting their weather, news and misc information online. Over half of the older adults who are seeking information online are looking for health related answers to their questions. This includes information about disease, managing weight, and prescription drugs.
Additional Sources:
Morris, A., Goodman, J. & Brading, H. (2007). Internet use and non-use: Views of older users. Universal Access in the Information Society, 6(1).
Willis, S. (2006). Technolog and learning in current and future generation of elders. Generations. 30(2).
It is true that many older adults are not interested in using the computer, except for those that are in college, at work that require the use of a computer, in education or presenting a presentation. From first hand knowledge, I know that most older adults want to preserve their lives to a way of living. I'm thinking of an older adult, who can care less about using a computer for anything. Those older adults that are satisfying their informational need on a computer are the minority of the population.